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Figure 9 | Frontiers in Zoology

Figure 9

From: Posterior regeneration in Isodiametra pulchra (Acoela, Acoelomorpha)

Figure 9

Specimens after regenerating for seven days. Anterior is to the left in A and B and facing upwards in C and D. White arrowheads point to bursal nozzle. A. Sagittal CLSM projection through copulatory organs. B. Semi-thin section through copulatory organs. C. Electron micrograph of penis epithelium and lumen. Note the numerous roots of microvilli (tiny black dots; black arrowheads) compared to Figure. 8E. D. Magnification of C showing cross section through microvilli with core of bundles of filamentous actin. Abbreviations: ae, antrum epithelium; bs, bursal stalk; cop, male copulatory organ; n, nucleus; p, penis; pe, penis epithelium; sb, seminal bursa; sp, sperm; sph, female sphincter; sv, seminal vesicle; v, vagina; ve, vestibulum. Scale bars: A 50 μm; B 25 μm; C 1 μm; D 200 nm.

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