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Table 5 Corticosterone levels in relation to the relative proportion of male nestling provisioning

From: Parental care, loss of paternity and circulating levels of testosterone and corticosterone in a socially monogamous song bird


Relative male provisioning rate

Absolute male provisioning rate


Estimate [Credible intervals (2.5% – 97.5%)]

Estimate [Credible intervals (2.5% – 97.5%)]

Intercept (Stage feeding)

8.53 [7.96 – 9.12]

8.69 [8.03 – 9.35]


0.07 [−0.28 – 0.41]

0.1 [−0.29 – 0.46]

Male provisioning rate

0.93 [−0.5 – 2.33]

0.01 [−0.07 – 0.08]


−0.22 [−0.75 – 0.28]

−0.04 [−0.48 – 0.41]

  1. The left column shows the relative male provisioning rate (proportion) and the right column the absolute male provisioning rate, each with the corresponding Bayesian estimate and its’ credible intervals. Estimates of cofactors refer to differences from the intercept estimate, which represents the feeding stage. If zero is not included in the credible intervals there is a ‘significant’ effect of this parameter on the dependent variable. We found no 'significant' effects.