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Fig. 2 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 2

From: Host sex and age influence endoparasite burdens in the gray mouse lemur

Fig. 2

Parasite morphotype richness as a function of age in gray mouse lemurs. Predictions for morphotype richness in (a) dry and (b) rainy season shown for males (solid symbols, dashed line) and females (open symbols, solid line). Lines indicate loess smoothers of the age effects (significant decline (in color) in dry season, non-significant (gray-scale) in rainy season) based on the final model in each season (Table 2), and shaded areas indicate 95 % confidence intervals. Morphotype richness was significantly higher in males relative to females in the dry season, whereas no significant sex effect was found in the rainy season. The sex*age interaction was non-significant at the P > 0.05 threshold in both seasons. Both age and morphotype richness are based on discrete measures but jitter was introduced to improve interpretability

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