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Fig. 6 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 6

From: Skeletomuscular adaptations of head and legs of Melissotarsus ants for tunnelling through living wood

Fig. 6

3D reconstruction and segmentation of mandible with apodemes and muscles of Messor and Melissotarsus workers. Left: apodemes only (dorsal view). Right: muscles and apodemes (ventral view). Inset: mandible with lateral process (anteroventral view). a Messor barbarus. b Melissotarsus. AdM, closer muscle (orange); AbM, opener muscle (light blue); AdAp, closer apodeme (red); AbAp, opener apodeme (dark blue); Md, mandible; h, hinge (point of mandible rotation); *, mandible lateral process. Scale bar: 0.2 mm

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