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Fig. 7 | Frontiers in Zoology

Fig. 7

From: Pollinating fig wasps’ simple solutions to complex sex ratio problems: a review

Fig. 7

The fitness effect of variance on small clutches. The per egg fitness of a focal female adopting the slope (circles) or binomial (squares) strategy in a two-foundress and b one-foundress patches and if all (solid) or only broods with more than zero males (open) are considered. For the slope strategy the probability of an egg being male was calculated as in Fig. 5 with c = 0.9 and a calculated to give a final sex ratio of 3/14 for the completed clutch. It was parameterized to the 4th decimal. Fitness was calculated using equation (S1) with nh = 2 for a mean of 100 000 generated at each of several clutch sizes

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